Еврокон “Еразмускон” 2024, Ротердам, програма / Eurocon Erasmuscon 2024, Rotterdam, program

Програмата на тазгодишния Еврокон “Еразмускон” е достъпна тук / The program for this year’s Eurocon can be seen here: https://programme.erasmuscon.nl/Programme-Erasmuscon-2024.pdf

Еврокон е ежегодна среща на Европейското дружеств за научна фантастика. / Eurocon is the annual meeting of the European Science Fiction Society.

По-надолу са трите предложения за събития, които направих. Приеха две от тях: панела за националната и глобалната фантастика (наистина, под друго име) и научно-популярната лекция по астрономия. / Below are the three event that I suggested. They accepted two of them: the panel on national and international fiction (albeit, under another name) and the popular astronomy lecture.

Бърз поглед върху програмата ми казва, че поне няколко българи ще участват. / A quick glance at the program tells me that there will be at least a few Bulgarians participating.


— Format: lecture

Title: Industrial magic and… science

Abstract: The works of fiction, books and movies alike, often portray the scientist like lonely geniuses. This was largely true in times past, when one mind could contain a large fraction of the human knowledge, but today the increasing complexity of the scientific endeavor requires team work and collaboration of specialist in many complementary fields, from “pure” scientists to engineers, software people, data scientists – you name a profile and it will probably be on the list. I will take you on a trip across the inner workings of modern astronomy on the example of some astroomical observatories and all those astronomers that use the telescopes in the Chilean Atacama desert.

I tried to make this sound more attractive, because if I just say that we run telescopes, nobody will attend.

— Format: panel

Title: National versus international speculative fiction Abstract: The speculative fictiotn in any language has ots roots in the respective folklore, but it can never escape the cross-pollination with the genre literature from other cultures. What dominates: the national traditions or the global international influences?

This panel suggestion is inspired by a similar discussion that was held in Sept 2023 at the Bulgarian national SFF convention among people mostly from the ex-Eastern Europe. We reached a conclusion that the more a country’s identity is threatened, either politically or economically, the more the national element dominates, perhaps as means of self-deffence. It would be interesting to have a broader representation, not just from Eastern Europe. The discussion can also go into the direction of the big vs. small language base, so I can see people form Denark and Finland being interested to participate.

— Format: lecture

Title Bulgarian speculative fiction

Abstract: The Bulgarian speculative fiction has three roots – the folklore, some works by a major main stream author Ivan Vazov who dared to venture in the speculative field and surprisingly – a possible hoax. I will review a representative subset of modern Bulgarian SFF works and describe the fandom’s life.

This could also be a panel, of a people from others “exotic” countries are interested.


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Filed under astronomy, Bulgaria, bulgarian science ficiton, Bulgarian speculative fiction, България, Литературен конкурс, литература, наука, научна фантастика, Literature, ревюта на книги, технология, фантастина живопис

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